Nigeria is not in short supply of Medical experts and Specialists; what appears to be the missing link is the lack of adequate Laboratory infrastructure to support Specialist care. Medical science is advancing at an astronomical rate but it does not appear we are doing much to catch up and be globally competitive. The spate of medical tourism is an eloquent testimony of patient apathy and a subtle protest of the quality and efficiency of our healthcare delivery system.
At Labcrest Medical Diagnostics Ltd, we have accepted the challenge to bridge the gap and change the narrative by providing a one-stop-shop diagnostic experience by offering a wide range of tests spectrum covering molecular diagnosis, chemistry, metabolism, autoimmune, fertility, endocrinology, tumour markers, cardiac markers, HPLC, mycology, anaemia, inflammation, variety of wellness bouquets, radiological services, research etc.
Our vision is to maintain dominant role in the provision of these quality diagnostic and research solutions within minimal turnaround time and affordable cost. As an organization our core values remains; ethics, empathy and best practice.
We welcome you into a new service experience where achieving and maintaining diagnostic quality indicators is the deal!